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Interface IFormState<T>

Type parameters


  • IFormState



Readonly dirty

dirty: KeyOf<T>[]

Array of current dirty fields.

Readonly errors

errors: ErrorModel<T>

Object containing current error model.

Readonly hasInit

hasInit: boolean

Boolean indicating if has initialized mounted.

Readonly invalid

invalid: boolean

Boolean indicating if the form is invalid.

Readonly isDirty

isDirty: boolean

Boolean indicating if the form is dirty.

Readonly isSubmitted

isSubmitted: boolean

Boolean indicating if form is submitted.

Readonly isSubmitting

isSubmitting: boolean

Boolean indicating if form is submitting.

Readonly isTouched

isTouched: boolean

Boolean indicating if the form has been touched.

Readonly model

model: T

The data model.

Readonly mounted

mounted: boolean

Boolean indicating if is mounted.

Readonly submitCount

submitCount: number

The number count of submissions.

Readonly touched

touched: KeyOf<T>[]

Array of current touched fields.

Readonly valid

valid: boolean

Boolean indicating if the form is valid.

Readonly vanities

vanities: string[]

Array of vanity properties.

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