When true vanity properties such as virtuals and non top level model properties are cleaned to return model to pure state.
Default model values (default: {})
Internal defaults parsed from yup or user.
Called when model is validated.
Defaults normalized to a promise.
When true validation is triggered on blur (default: true)
When true validation is triggered on change (default: false)
When true validation is triggered when form is first initialized (default: false)
When true and validationSchema is NOT user function native validation converted to yup ObjectSchema (default: true)
When true validation is triggered on submit (default: true)
When true validation is triggered on submit if error halts submit (default: false) Defaults to false so user opts in can see submissions are working.
A Yup ObjectSchema or custom function for validating form (default: undefined)
When true
Generated using TypeDoc
True to enable casting using Yup internally, false or null to disable or custom function for user defined model value casting.